Posts tagged Francis Ford Coppola
Because Michael Jackson Died on This Date We're Rerunning This Piece on Captain EO

I finally got around to watching Captain EO, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Disney, Michael Jackson, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola that’s a technological marvel and dramatically tedious in the same way the prequel trilogy would prove to be.

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Virginia AND Michael Madsen Are Among the Many Actors Wasted in the Inexplicably Star-Studded 1999 Snoozer The Florentine

Virginia Madsen, Michael Madsen, James Belushi, the late Burt Young and a fuck ton of other famous people are in the excruciatingly dull 1999 working class drama The Florentine. For the love of God, why?

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The Travolta/Cage Project #15: Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)

Our deep dive into the complete filmographies of John Travolta and Nicolas Cage continues with the sentimental time-travel comedy-drama that first made moviegoers sit up and say, “What the hell is that Nicolas Cage weirdo doing and why isn’t anyone stopping him?”, 1986’s Peggy Sue Got Married.

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