MY World OF Flops

Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place is the home of My World of Flops, the legendary, thirteen year old column about the most famous flops of all time that introduced the phrase “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” into the cultural lexicon and inspired the 2011 book My Year of Flops.

Travolta/Cage Project

Nathan Rabin loves John Travolta and Nicolas Cage so much he’s committed to watching EVERY movie they’ve appeared in for a column that will take a good five years to finish, The Travolta/Cage Project, the print version of the smash-hit, impossibly lucrative podcast Travolta/Cage.

Control Nathan Rabin 4.0

It’s the column that allows YOU, the Happy Place patron an opportunity to choose a movie that Rabin must watch and then write about for a one-time, one-hundred dollar pledge! The price goes down to seventy-five dollars for all subsequent choices. 

Control Nathan and Clint

Nathan Rabin and Clint Worthington (co-host of the Travolta/Cage Podcast) do your bidding! 

This Looks Terrible

Scalding Hot Takes

The column where Rabin ventures wearily back into the waters of film criticism by watching and writing about the big new theatrical releases.


Tomorrow’s Cult Movies Today.