Why Donald Trump Loves War Criminals
Yes, he murdered a lot of innocent people but the real tragedy was Gallagher losing a special pin
It says something sad and telling that’s Donald Trump’s aggressive, unstinting, consistent support for the war criminals in our nation’s military is both patently unsurprising and probably wouldn’t even make a list of the former reality competition host’s fifty most unforgivably terrible personal qualities.
Trump recently made headlines when he pardoned Eddie Gallagher, a S.E.A.L accused of war crimes the New York Times listed as including, but not limited to, “stabbing a defenseless teenage captive to death”, “picking off a school-age girl and an old man from a sniper’s roost” and "Indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine-gun fire.”
Gallagher’s own men described him as a “psychopath”, ““literally the worst of the worst” and “freaking evil” but Trump personally interceded in Gallagher’s case to undo the very minor penalties Gallagher incurred over the course of his career as a prolific and heartless war criminal.
Trump loves the military in theory. He absolutely adores the idea of the United States military as a hyper-macho, Conservative realm where musclebound, devastatingly handsome White Christian Warriors on the very front lines of a life-or-death, Total War with radical Islam are putting their lives on the line every day and being treated as criminals and monsters by the press and the Left for their heroism and bravery.
Trump does NOT, however, love the actual reality of the military. In fact, he fucking hates it. He absolutely despises it because it is led by veteran officers who do not see him as he clearly sees himself, as the greatest and most pro-military President the country has ever known, a leader who knows infinitely more about the military, and how it operates, and how it should operate, than people who’ve actually served in the military all their adult lives.
Trump dislikes the reality of the military so much that he never actually served himself, something to do with bone spurs and cowardice and hypocrisy or something. He hates the reality that military people like John McCain and John Kelly value qualities like bravery, self-sacrifice, self-discipline, honor and service to country, all virtues Trump not only does not possess but has active contempt for.
Trump hates the reality of the military because it is full of cold, bloodless men like John Kelly who spend their careers doggedly working their way up the chain of command by following rules and doing what they’re told when Trump has made not following the rules the cornerstone of his personal and political and even sexual philosophy.
A man who brags about grabbing women by the pussy and moving on a married woman “like a bitch” while his wife is pregnant is not overly concerned with following the rules of propriety, or any rules at all. For Trump the rules do not apply if you’re a star and there is no bigger star in the history of the world to Donald Trump than himself.
Trump similarly has taken great, perverse pleasure in actively flaunting the idea that if someone performs a service for you in exchange for a pre-determined rate you do not have to pay that person that amount, or any other, unless you are literally forced to do so by the government.
At the very beginning of what would be a very auspicious overlapping career as a real estate developer and racist, Donald and his mentor/father were sued by the state for violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 for discrimination against African-Americans. Trump and his organization were clearly never going to do anything right unless they were forced to do so.
Trump lives in a fantasy world where brave, noble men of action like himself and Gallagher, heroes fighting for the very future of White Christian American civilization, are being angrily confronted and held down by the cowardly, craven, “politically incorrect” forces of conformity and control in the form of a Deep State concerned only with preserving its own power.
Trump sees Gallagher and war criminals and supporters like him not as mere soldiers constrained by the rules of the Geneva Convention but rather as “Warriors” or “WarFighters” engaged in all-out holy war only Trump understands, not the bureaucrats who rum the military, who he called “a bunch of dopes and babies” accordion to the upcoming book A Very Stable Genius: Donald Trump’s Testing of America.
So of course Trump is going to look at a demented sociopath like Gallagher and see a kindred spirit. What could be more “politically incorrect” than flagrantly violating the laws of warfare to such an extent that even your own men see you as a danger to their lives as well as those of innocent civilians?
Don’t be surprised if you see Gallagher gushing about Trump from the stage of the 2020 Republican Convention. What’s a war crime or two between friends, beyond something that, in Trump’s world at least, can only be good. not to mention lucrative for your personal and political brand?
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