This February the Official Title of the Website will be It Turns Out the Naming Rights! Membership Option Was For Real and Someone Is Now Five Hundred Bucks Poorer Presents Nathan Rabin's Happy Place

I have a LOT of ideas. I have so, so, so many ideas. I am an idea man but not all of my ideas succeed.

An idea that I thought was good but that the universe was less than crazy about involved selling the naming rights for this website for one thousand dollars a month.

I was hoping that my name might be worth something and that some enterprising dispensary or smoke shop or neighborhood drug dealer would indulge me.

What I have learned, unfortunately, is that the market value of Nathan Rabin’s name right now is not great.

That’s why my new Buttondown newsletter is Every Episode Ever.

In an unsurprising turn of events, no one expressed interest in the naming rights at one thousand dollars.

So I cut the price to half. Still no takers. Then, miraculously, I had a taker. They weren’t a smoke shop, or a dispensary or a neighborhood drug pusher. Instead it was a wisenheimer who wanted to know if they could have the site’s name changed, for one month only, to It Turns Out the Naming Rights! Membership Option Was For Real and Someone Is Now Five Hundred Bucks Poorer and I said, sure! Why the hell not.

So, when I refer to this website this month it will be as It Turns Out the Naming Rights! Membership Option Was For Real and Someone Is Now Five Hundred Bucks Poorer Presents Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place.

I ask that when you talk about this website, something I’m sure you do constantly, to everyone, please call it by its new name. You can go back to referring to it as Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place on March 1st, but until then this is It Turns Out the Naming Rights! Membership Option Was For Real and Someone Is Now Five Hundred Bucks Poorer Presents Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place and don’t you forget it.

Would YOU like to name this silly site for a month for a mere 500 dollars? You sure can. And, as our first sponsor illustrates, there’s no such thing as too silly when it comes to this ridiculousness.

The Big WhoopNathan Rabin