Why Kicking Donald Trump Off the Ballots in Maine and Colorado is a TERRIBLE Idea

In a sane universe encouraging an unsuccessful insurrection, getting impeached twice and getting indicted for more felonies than Al Capone would destroy someone’s chances of getting elected president. 

In a sane world encouraging an insurrection, getting impeached twice and getting indicted for NINETY-ONE FELONIES would keep someone from even thinking about running for political office. 

In the insane world that we live in, unfortunately, encouraging an unsuccessful insurrection, getting impeached twice and getting indicted for 91 felonies has somehow only made Donald Trump more popular than ever with his base. 

That’s no mean feat considering that Trump’s base considers as holy and righteous as Jesus Christ, but better because, unlike Jesus, he’s willing to do things like insult Jimmy Carter when he’s reeling from the death of his beloved wife and pretty much on his deathbed. 

From a fundraising perspective the best thing that has happened to Trump has been getting indicted and having his mug shot taken. Trump has raised tens of millions of dollars on that mugshot alone. It’s a rainmaker for the Trump campaign. 

It’s not surprising that Trump’s legal woes have made him more popular rather than less popular. 

From the start, the uniquely selfish poster boy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder posited himself as the voice and conscience of the average man and woman. A billionaire who has been one of the most famous people in the world for decades cosplayed effectively as an underdog willing to stand up to the malevolent elites destroying our country for their own sick benefit. 

Trump pretends that he is a righteous martyr being crucified for standing up to the malevolent powers that be. That’s why blows that would destroy other candidates actually help Trump. They play into Trump’s finely wrought narrative that he’s being relentlessly pursued by the government not because he is clearly corrupt but rather because he’s a champion of the people and the powerful are threatened by him. 

Each new charge strengthens this narrative. That’s why I think that it is a terrible mistake for Maine and Colorado to block Trump from competing in Republican primaries. 

The states blocked Trump on the basis of a provision in the fourteenth amendment that states, “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

Obviously encouraging a rebellion should keep someone from holding high office. But if very recent history is any indication Trump will almost assuredly get back on the ballot in Maine and Colorado AND being considered unfit for office will only make Trump more popular. 

According to an entrance poll that ABC conducted, 65% of GOP voters said they don't think President Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020 and 63% percent said they'd consider Donald Trump fit for office even if he were convicted of a crime. 

It’s not that the MAGA contingent don’t care about Trump’s legal woes; they do care in the sense that they want to protect him and believe in his lies even as they have been aggressively disproven everywhere other than Newsmax. 

Trump is a criminal. But treating him like one will only make his cultists feel like he’s being persecuted unfairly and drive Republicans to the polls. 

I’m scared to fucking death of Donald Trump getting re-elected. That’s why the government should stop playing into Trump’s hands by making it seem like he’s a victim of the Deep State and the Biden Administration instead of someone who is finally being held accountable for the most legitimate reasons imaginable. 

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The Big WhoopNathan Rabin