The Disturbing, Predictable Reason Elon Musk's Defenders Don't Want to Think He's Anti-Semitic

As a Jew and social media addict I found it alarming that Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, and consequently one of the most powerful, aggressively co-signed the sentiment, “Jewish [communities] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that they support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much. You want truth said to your face, there it is” by deeming it “the absolute truth.”

The firehose of vicious antisemitic conspiracy theories that Musk deemed “the absolute truth” would be horrifying enough without the ideas he endorsed being inspired by an enraged Jewish Conservative asking Twitter users to defend the idea “Hitler was right” to his face.

I cannot begin to understand what was going through Musk’s brain when he decided to publicly agree, on his own website, with someone saying that a man whose name is synonymous with evil and genocide was right by vomiting forth the kind of ideas that directly led to the Holocaust.

Even by Musk standards, it was a lot. Unsurprisingly a number of prominent advertisers ended their relationship with a site I will always call Twitter because they did not want to be associated in the public mind with a man who called a defense of Hitler “the absolute truth.” 

Because I am an idiot and a masochist I made the mistake of reading the comments on an article about advertisers ending their relationship with Musk over, you know, the whole “Hitler was right” thing. 

Now you might say that Musk never explicitly said that Hitler was right. That’s true, but he said that a viciously anti-semitic defense of Hitler was true. That’s just a small step away from Musk tweeting about Hitler’s rightness where Jews are concerned. 

A small percentage of the comments condemned Musk. 

But most of the commenters assumed that advertisers were leaving Twitter because Musk must have stood up for Palestine and Palestinians, and the Jew-run media depicted that as anti-Semitic instead of anti-Zionist. 

This misconception could be cleared up by commenters actually reading the article but the internet being the internet, seemingly no one was willing to go through the extreme step of spending a minute or two reading news before offering their opinion on it. That would only have slowed them down. 

These commenters instead looked at two unrelated pieces of news—Elon Musk running into trouble with Jewish groups and advertisers and the situation in the Gaza Strip—and unthinkingly created a scenario in which they are directly related and Musk is righteous instead of just right-wing.

In actuality Musk came down hard against Palestinians in the conflict. It’s safe to say that he hates brown people even more than he hates Jews.

Some of the commenters went through the bother of reading the article and the sentiments that Musk publicly deemed “the absolute truth” and came to the surprising conclusion that even within this context (agreeing with someone big-upping the architect of the Holocaust) Musk was not anti-semitic or racist and the left was trying to twist his words to make him seem bigoted. 

Reading these comments made my brain hurt. In what universe is saying that Jews hate white people and Western civilization and want to destroy it by bringing in immigrants who will dilute our nation’s racial and religious purity so that they can assume even more power not overtly anti-semitic? 

Heck, he’s just regurgitating the Great Replacement theory espoused by Musk’s collaborator Tucker Carlson. Are those crazy lefties going to try to claim that he might be bigoted as well? 

Yet people have nevertheless defended the idea that Musk is not antisemitic despite gushing over a tweet defending Hitler for the same reason that people on the right want to believe that Donald Trump is not racist despite him doing everything short of showing up to work in Klan robes or an SS uniform to broadcast his hatred for non-whites. 

Trump racism deniers do so partially out of reverence for the twice-impeached, one term ex-president but they also do so out of self-interest. 

We live in a country full of racists who don’t want people to think they’re racists and anti-semites who don’t want the world to think they’re anti-semites. 

So they promote the farcical notion that unless you active self-identify as a racist or an anti-semite then you must not be one. 

They tell themselves and the world that they aren’t anti-semitic because they have not personally defaced a synagogue with crudely spray-painted swastikas. Oh sure, they might talk about how the Jews control the media and Hollywood and international banking, and that Jews support anti-white, pro-immigrant politicians who want to turn the United States into a third world cesspool, but in their minds that’s not anti-semitic; that’s just being honest and real and not “Woke” or “politically correct.

Like Elon Musk, we seem to be veering further and further to the right each day, a process that will only pick up speed if Donald Trump is re-elected. It’s gotten to the point where some of the most famous people in the world—Elon Musk and Kanye West—can engage in pro-Hitler rhetoric and still be defended by sycophants who want to believe the best about them but also about themselves. 

We’ve gotten to the point where if someone is “cancelled” people assume that it’s because they were exposing explosive truths and threatening the powers that be, not because they did something unconscionable and are facing long overdue consequences. A big chunk of the population went from seeing a high profile cancellation as proof that the cancelled celebrity must have done something very wrong to seeing it as clear-cut evidence that they must have done something very right to upset the status quo. 

The backlash to MeToo and what is seen as “Cancel Culture” has been dramatic and severe in part because everyday racists and antisemites want to publicly engage in anti-semitic and racist rhetoric without being held accountable for their actions. 

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