The 2020: The Year You Control Nathan Rabin Poll Is Officially Open!
A few months back I had one of my signature big, ambitious ideas, one forged through a combination of creative inspiration and financial desperation. In a bid to raise money and pump much needed new blood into the site’s perpetually struggling Patreon account I decided that I would let you, the Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place patron, choose what I wrote about in 2020 through a feature called 2020: The Year YOU Control Nathan Rabin.
For a one time, ninety nine dollar pledge patrons could nominate a theme month option that, if enough patrons voted for it, would become a genuine, bona fide theme month here at the Happy Place with me writing at least four or five articles about it over the course of a four week span. Like many, if not most of my ideas, this idea was not as successful as I had hoped.
Nominations trickled in over a period of months and I’ve been so overwhelmed with finishing The Weird Accordion to Al and Postal books, not to mention everything that comes with the The Weird Accordion to Al book, primarily an extremely time and labor-intensive crowd-funding campaign, as well as launching both Travolta/Cage and The Travolta/Cage Project that I was not, alas, able to actually launch my big project for 2020 in January as I had hoped.
It’s a me! With my new tee!
Nevertheless, I am excited to officially launch Control Nathan Rabin 2020! Here are your sixteen choices, eight from me and eight from kind-hearted, much appreciated patrons.
My choices:
Phil Hartman Month
Direct to Video Sequels month
Movies about Television
Mismatched buddy cop month
Hip Hop Movie month
Podcast Month
Disco Month
Canadian Month, Eh?
Nominations from Patrons:
Marvel Month!
Elvis Month
Nora Ephron Month
Danny Devito Month
Martin Lawrence Month
John Candy Month
Wrestlemania Month: Wrassling with Wrestlers! Month
Video-Game Month
Lovable Losers Month
Surprising Tear-Jerkers—Movies you don’t think would make you laugh but they do. Month
Some real winners in this bunch! I am particularly fond of my choices on account of I chose them!
YOU can determine what Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place reads like in the year ahead by voting on a poll that will close at Midnight at February 10th so the year can begin, a month and a half late, on February 17th with the first of twelve theme months. All you need to do is become a patron of the site for as little as one dollar a month.
OR you can pledge anywhere from 13.50 to 30 dollars per month and get sweet, sweet, exclusive Weird Accordion to Al/Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place merchandise from the illustrations of Felipe Sobreiro in the form of a Yoda sticker, Pac-Man mug, “Bohemian Polka” poster AND, most excitingly an amazing “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota” tee-shirt.
As of today, not a single person has chosen the “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota” tee-shirt option, which means that I am the only person in the world with this amazing tee-shirt, a tee-shirt so swell it even makes me look good. Pretty sure I am going to wear my “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota” tee-shirt every day like the cartoon character that I am, assuming, of course that I can get it back from Declan, who has taken quite a shine to it
That makes me feel special and rare and different and unique. Would you like to feel all of those things as well? You can, by pledging at the 30 dollar tier for three months. Then you can delete your Pledge or edit it to your heart’s content with no hurt feelings.
You can get this in nifty sticker form!
I want the Patreon to be as appealing an option as humanly possible so I am pleased to report that “Weird Al” Yankovic has signed three copies of the Weird Accordion to Al book that I am going to give away to a patron pledging at the 12.50 or higher tier each of the next three months.
Finally, you should at least consider pledging to the Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place because the site’s existence is largely dependent on pledges from patrons. At the risk of being biased, I fucking love this site and think it would be a goddamn shame if it went the way of so many other wonderful, much loved websites and magazines that no longer exist because they did not make enough money to stay in business.
If all that isn’t enough to convince you, here’s a naked picture of Ernest Borgnine.
You can ensure a happy future for the Happy Place and get a whole lot more out of it than just the sense of satisfaction that comes with being a good person doing the right thing to make the world a slightly happier, slightly purer, slightly more ridiculous place.
You know what you MUST do: pledge at
THEN #BuyMyBookBuyMyBookBuyMyBook at Also, if you could leave a nice review it would help counteract the plethora of one star reviews that have nothing to do with the contents of the book but instead focus monomaniacally on kindle formatting issues we have resolved. You’d think people would be angry at Amazon: nope, they take out all their rage on self-published labors of love.