You Are Your Words and Actions, Not Your Inflated Self-Image


A Schadenfreude parade followed the revelation that the attorney in a viral video of an angry white man who threatened pair of Manhattan Fresh Kitchen employees with deportation for having the audacity to speak Spanish in front of him was Aaron Schlossberg.

The story had everything: racial hatred, threats of deportation, a hugely embarrassing viral video  seemingly everyone in the world saw and cringed at and, immigration, tension between our nation and our neighbors to the South, immigration threats, public humiliation, an ambush video of Schlossberg hiding behind an umbrella from reporters, a pathetic and cowardly figure cowering from the mess he had created, and perhaps most importantly, a contemptible villain with an eminently punchable face whose clear-cut bigotry and ‘roid rage-style bullying allow us to feel better about our own softer, less vicious and publicly documented variety of racism. 

I fear that we are so beaten down by the daily assaults on decency that constitutes Trump’s Presidency that our depleted nervous systems crave the cheap kicks provided by watching an awful stranger behave in an unforgivable manner, and then get owned by everyone on the internet, fired from their jobs, and cast out from society for their transgressions. 


It’s not a noble instinct but you do what you have to in Trump’s America to keep from going insane or collapsing in despair. We need our bread and media circuses to keep us distracted from the ongoing horror of contemporary life. Otherwise we’ll all go mad. Mad, I tell you! 

So, in a desperate, perhaps doomed bid to prevent the complete destruction of his legal practice, career and life, the national pariah did what people caught in the white-hot glare of the media spotlight saying and doing horrible things are expected to do, and usually do: he apologized. 

He released a statement reading, “To the people I insulted, I apologize. Seeing myself online opened my eyes—the manner in which I expressed myself is unacceptable and is not the person I am. I seem my words and actions hurt people, an for that I am deeply sorry. While people should be able to express themselves freely, they should do so calmly and respectfully. What the video did not convey is the real me. I am not racist. One of the reasons I moved to New York is precisely because of the remarkable diversity offered in this wonderful city. I love this country and this city, in part because of the remarkable diversity offered in this wonderful city. I love this country and this city, in part because of immigrants and the diversity of cultures immigrants bring to this country. Again, my sincerest apologies to anyone and everyone I hurt. Thank you.” 

You don't say! 

You don't say! 

In case you’re keeping track, the racist throwing a rage-fueled tantrum in that video may look and sound and act like the lawyer, he might have his fingerprints and social security number and birthday, but he most assuredly is not who Schlossberg actually is. Incidentally, your bold game is sick, bro! I really feel like I know which words you want to emphasize. 

We further discover that the video, while it sure did seem to document Schlossberg's words and actions and racist fury,  did not, in fact, “convey” the “real” Schlossberg. 

Who is the real Schlossberg? I’m glad you asked. He is, first and foremost, NOT RACIST! Perish the thought. What made you think he was racist? His words and actions? The fact that he’s literally only famous for being more egregiously racist than is socially acceptable in Donald Trump’s America? 


That couldn’t be further from the truth! Schlossberg is probably too humble to admit it, but he’s probably about the least racist person you’ll ever meet. In fact, he moved to New York precisely because of the diversity. Motherfucker has his own float at the Puerto Rican day parade! Even though he’s not gay, he’s all up in Gay Pride Parade in a glittery thong, cheering on the drag queens while downing Mimosas. In his free time, he starts gay-straight alliances in inner-city schools. 

I’m guessing all those things are true due to Schlossberg’s compelling and very convincing words about being a diversity-loving non-racist who embraces immigration as the very lifeblood of a nation which he happens to love by the way. Oh, and you know what else he loves? Motherfucking New York City. Fahgeddaboutit! Can you possibly hold a grudge against a guy who speaks so highly of himself and loves both his city and his country? 

We hear this argument all the time: “Yes, I got caught on camera fucking a pumpkin. Yes, I secretly served as the President of Pumpkin Fuckers of America. Yes, I have thousands of hours of video of myself fucking pumpkins but believe me when I say to you: I am no pumpkin fucker! Perish the thought! Why, even the thought of sticking my dick inside one of those sexy, sexy fuckholes turns me, I mean repulses me to the core!” 

When people get busted, they implore the public to look not at their words and actions and deeds but rather at their empty, empty words of ass-covering self-defense. What are you ultimately going to believe? Clear cut video proof of virulent racism or publicist-crafted words about how open-minded, immigrant-loving and diversity-seeking he is behind the frothingly racist public facade? 

So I want to say this as clearly and forcefully as possible: you are your words and actions, not your inflated self-image. 

Schlossberg, buddy, your claim to not be racist means nothing. It actually means less than nothing. Everyone is at least a little bit racist. People who say “I don’t see race” or “I am not even the tiniest bit racist” aren’t being progressive and forward-thinking, they’re denying the fundamental reality and ubiquity of racism and how it infects everybody no matter how desperately they might  want to purge the poison of racism from their souls. 


Schlossberg’s self-serving and disingenuous words deserve to be ignored, if not actively rejected. His actions tell the truth of who he really is, and that’s why he wants us to focus on his words, his empty, empty words. 

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