Every aspect of Saturday Night Live’s legendary first season has been mythologized and romanticized, with the notable exception of the notorious Land of Gorch Muppets segments.
Read MoreHow would you fare if you were inexplicably asked to host Saturday Night Live?
Read MoreMeanwhile, on another site, not so far away…
Read MoreSome shutterings affect you more than others, particularly if the outlet going out of business is your only freelance outlet, as was, unfortunately, the case with the now defunct Fatherly.
Read MoreIn my capacity as a man who feels a solemn duty to remind people of the movie where FDR got a handjob from his cousin I feel I must remind you that there is a movie where the late President receives manual release from a distant relation.
Read MoreY’all young uns don’t realize that Bart Simpson used to be black. Sort of. It was a whole weird thing!
Read MoreThings got dark. Then something wonderful and unexpected happened
Read MoreIt’s taken me many, many decades, but I’ve finally learned that comic books aren’t just for kids! They’re for emotionally stunted man-children like myself as well!
Read MoreI’m a big Barbie fan but I’m not weeping over ostensible snubs in major categories.
Read MoreBarbie probably would not have grossed a billion and a half dollars and been nominated for eight Oscars if they’d gone with controversial original star Amy Schumer.
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