One of you kind souls paid me to revisit the trashy Village People musical Can’t Stop the Music. It’s one of the stupidest, most vulgar and trashy musicals ever made, and I mean that as high praise.
Read MoreThe deeply loathsome 1981 show business satire Under the Rainbow hired a hundred and fifty little people actors for its irreverent take on the making of The Wizard of Oz, albeit at a terrible cost.
Read MoreMy journey through the entirety of American movies about the film industry looks at one of Bruce Willis’ earliest film performances, as real-life western movie star Tom Mix in Blake Edwards’ underwhelming 1988 western mystery Sunset.
Read MoreThe director of Death Wish brings you the kind of star-studded salute to Hollywood’s past that you would expect from the creep who made Death Wish.
Read MoreAs his empire crumbled, world class grifter and disgraced boy band Svengali Lou Pearlman made a 20 million dollar vanity project that’s astonishingly bad and self-indulgent but fascinating for the insight it provides into Pearlman’s psyche.
Read MoreTo help distract us from the bloodshed in the Ukraine, AnnaLynne McCord heroically posted the purest cringe known to man, a “poem” directed to bloodthirsty monster Vladimir Putin that could not be more staggeringly misconceived.
Read MoreMy patron-funded exploration of the films of Oliver Stone continues with a look at his adaptation of my old TV buddy John Ridley’s Stray Dogs entitled U-Turn.
Read MoreNicolas Cage plays a magician who can see two minutes into the future and took his stage name after his dual love for Frankenstein and Cadillacs in 2007’s Next, an ostensible Phillip K. Dick that wastes a super-fun presence with bland romance and generic action.
Read MoreJohn Travolta was paid twenty MILLION dollars to deliver the worst performance of his career as a deranged criminal in Tony Scott’s underachieving remake of a 1970s masterpiece.
Read MoreHoo boy. This one is brutal.
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