Adam Sandler dipped a toe into the murky waters of the mismatched buddy cop comedy with 1996’s Bulletproof. The result was quite poor.
Read MoreIt’s Lethal Weapon meets Tales from the Crypt, only shitty, in 1988’s Dead Heat, a spooktacularly disappointing zombie buddy cop horror comedy from Shane Black’s brother.
Read MoreAt the height of the mismatched buddy cop movie boom, funnyman Jay Leno decided to throw his hat in the ring. The results were quite poor.
Read MoreWe take an appalled look back at his long-shelved Cold War comedy The Experts, which made comedic sport out of the backwards cluelessness of those dumb Russians, who will never, ever, ever, ever, ever possibly get one over on the American people.
Read MoreA hotshot Rolling Stone reporter covers the story of a lifetime—sexy people exercising and then fucking—in this scorchingly hot and unbelievably stupid John Travolta flop from the creative team behind Urban Cowboy with a mesmerizingly sexy turn from Jamie Lee Curtis.
Read MoreTwins stars Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger reunited with director Ivan Reitman for a high concept light comedy about a brilliant make scientist getting pregnant that received an icy reception from critics and audiences alike.
Read MoreFive years after Grease John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John reunited as sexy thieves in 1983’s Two of a Kind, a fantasy-comedy about God and the devil squaring off to determine the fate of humanity in a movie that failed as spectacularly as Grease succeeded.
Read MoreDanny DeVito month kicks off with a Brian De Palma-directed comedy starring Joe Piscopo and Captain Lou Albano from the writer of Midnight Run that’s just as bad as its reputation suggests.
Read MoreIs there any better time to revisit the tacky shit show that is Sahara than after Clive Cussler’s death?
Read MoreHow bad could a Terry Jones-co-written-and-directed science fiction comedy starring Simon Pegg, Kate Beckinsale, all of the surviving members of Monty Python and Robin Williams (in his final film) possibly be? Pretty goddamn awful, it turns out.
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