At the height of Tarantino mania, the Oscar-winning auteur played a magical hipster in Destiny Turns Out the Radio, a movie that went a long way towards killing audience’s desire to see Tarantino act ever again, regardless of context.
Read MoreSam Raimi’s famously disastrous third Spider-Man movie, featuring Tobey McGuire as a disco-dancing Emo web-slinger and a bleached blonde Eddie Haskell Venom is a goddamn mess but also surprisingly entertaining and weird, particularly in this era of cookie-cutter superhero sequels.
Read MoreIn his SECOND big Florida-set flop of 2019, Matthew McConaughey is the world’s greatest, unlikeliest poet in Harmony Korine’s wonderfully fucked up, spectacularly silly stoner comedy The Beach Bum.
Read MoreThe X-Men movies ended not with a bang but with a wheezing flatulent noise in the form of Dark Phoenix
Read MoreYou know Holmes & Watson, that Will Ferrell/John C. Reilly Sherlock Holmes movie from last year that was suppose to be real bad? Hoo boy! What a stinkeroo!
Read MoreIn hindsight, Burt Reynolds probably should have done Terms of Endearment instead of a rancid comedy that required him to wear a chicken suit for many, many scenes.
Read MoreOscar winners Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway get sleazy, sordid and trippy in a notorious Florida-set flop with a twist worthy of frightmaster M. Night Shyamalan himself.
Read MoreThe Fresh Prince wrestles with some fresh grief in Collateral Beauty, the least plausible movie ever made.
Read MoreIn the first ever Case File devoted to a trailer, we do a deep dive into the coming attraction that made people think, “Hey, maybe a Sonic the Hedgehog movie in 2019 isn’t such a great idea!”
Read MoreWe’ve never covered a human being for My World of Flops, but failed rat-fucker and disgrace to humanity Jacob Wohl seems like a perfectly cromulent place to start.
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