Donald Trump's "I Will Harshly Punish My Enemies Upon Re-Election" is, Horrifyingly, a Crazily Narcissistic Message that Connects with his Cult
It would not be fair to call Donald Trump a one-issue candidate, but you could make a strong argument that illegal immigration is not only the disgraced, twice-impeached thirty-four-time felon primary issue; it’s seemingly the only thing he cares about.
In a very healthy development for democracy and our nation, Trump has relentlessly scapegoated non-white immigrants as the cause of all of our nation’s problems.
Trump might seem like a one-issue candidate, but he has a second issue he cares about just as much: using the power of the government to punish his enemies.
The king of projection, who has been found guilty of nearly three dozen felonies, accuses the Democrats of weaponizing the justice department to destroy him.
In 2024, Trump wants revenge. He wants revenge for his “sacred” landslide victory being stolen. He wants revenge for the Democrats dumping Biden for Kamala Harris. He wants revenge on everyone who saw him be destroyed in his debate with Kamala Harris and did not immediately declare him the winner by the greatest knock-out in American political history.
He specifically wants to use the government’s resources to punish ABC for not making him look good in a debate that was nothing short of a Harlem Globetrotters-like massacre.
In a post-debate interview with his best buddies at Fox and Friends declared himself the winner, bragging shamelessly that it was “one of my best debates” and that he “did great.”
That’s even more impressive, in Trump’s mind, at least, in that to him, it was a “rigged” debate in which he had to take on not only Kamala Harris but also moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis.
Muir and Davis earned Trump’s bottomless rage by being insufficiently deferential and treating him like a politician who lies reflexively rather than our country’s faultless savior.
Trump told his Fox pals that government regulators “ought to take away” the “terrible” network’s “license for the way that they did that.
The ex-president is so thin-skinned that he thinks huge networks should be shut down for not making him look good. I’d like to think that Trump’s words represent the emptiest of empty threats, but he has been very forthright about his eagerness to punish everyone he considers an enemy.
At this point, Trump’s enemy list includes just everyone except two of his children and the My Pillow guy.
On Truth Social, a man who, remarkably, was somehow elected president ranted, “It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully, the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the Election and become President of the United States!”
I was going to write a blog post about sarcastically arguing that Trump’s “I will punish everyone who is mean to me on your behalf” message must be resonating with unemployed coal miners and other struggling working-class voters.
Then I made a horrifying realization: Trump’s “I will punish all the bad people, and harshly, once I get elected and give myself limitless power” actually does connect with the masses.
In 2016, a billionaire who lives in a gold condo and is on record telling his fellow billionaires about all the awesome tax breaks they’ll receive from him told working people, “I am your voice.”
Horrifyingly but inevitably, people believed him. Because the poster boy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder told his cult that he was their voice, that made his enemies their enemies.
Trump wasn’t elected to build. He was elected to punish and destroy. He was going to throw that uppity Hillary Clinton in jail. Throughout 2016, “Lock Her Up” was an automatic applause-getter at Trump’s rallies.
You can’t beat the classics!
But it wasn’t just Clinton that he would punish. He’d punish the whole establishment. He’d punish Never Trumpers for not supporting him. He’d punish the Democratic and Hollywood establishment and all of the horrible brown people racing over open borders so that they can rape your wife, take your job and go on welfare simultaneously and, worst of all, eat your pet cats and dogs.
Trump desperately wants to punish everyone he disliked during his first term. Unfortunately for him, there were real grown-ups, sometimes generals, on hand to tell him, in an exhausted but still patient voice, that they couldn’t do what he told them to do because it would be illegal and insane.
That wouldn’t be true of a second Trump term. He’d be surrounded by sycophants and kiss-asses for whom Trump can do no wrong and consequently should be given god-like powers.
That’s nearly as terrifying as knowing that Trump’s cult wants his enemies punished, and punished harshly, just as much as he does.
Nathan needed expensive, life-saving dental implants, and his dental plan doesn’t cover them, so he started a GoFundMe at Give if you can!
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