Travolta/Cage Ep. 10 - Perfect/Vampire's Kiss (with Eric Szyszka)

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In 1988, Nicolas Cage reached arguably his final form as the caterwauling, manic New York business bro Peter Loew in the horror-comedy Vampire’s Kiss. Meanwhile, John Travolta was still floundering in dated, mismatched romances like 1985’s fitness expose/rom com/Rolling Stone advert Perfect, co-starring a be-leg-warmered Jamie Lee Curtis.

This week on the pod, We Hate Movies’ Eric Szyszka squeezes into some spandex and works up a sweat with us as we break down these two decidedly disparate entries in each actors’ filmographies. Vampire’s Kiss is maybe Peak Cage, in all his flailing, over-committed, cockroach-swallowing goodness; Perfect, meanwhile, spends way too little time on Travolta and Curtis’ gyrating sexual chemistry and far too much on creaky treatises on journalistic ethics.

Listen to us break down these ‘80s turkeys, and maybe we’ll shed some poundage along the way!

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