Exploiting the Archives! The Simpsons Decade Prequel


The Simpsons Decade made its debut at Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place in a big way this week, first with a Big Whoop post on its glorious, failure-ridden path to my cozy little online home, and then with the first two entries for the site, on a little movie called Pulp Fiction and then with Rusty Cundieff’s beloved cult classic Fear of a Black Hat. 

But did you know that there are no fewer than nineteen earlier entries in the series available for your perusal, delight and edification? It’s true! I’ve been writing the column for over two years, beginning with an introductory post that ran on March 2nd, 2016 on Rotten Tomatoes. I haven’t revisited it in a hot minute but I’m sureI was talking mad shit like I usually do, being all, “Blah, blah, blah, I’m so great. My big idea about 1990s comedy is so great there’s no way it won’t be a huge hit.” 

I probably spent a lot of the introduction doing what in hip hop is known as “stunting on all my haters.” I did that a lot for a puzzling two year stretch. Not entirely sure why. I probably should have spent more time working and looking after my family and less time stunting on all my haters. 

The very next day came the first proper entry in the series, on Get A Life, a beloved cult institution that perfectly embodies, as much as The Simpsons does, the kind of meta-comedy I was writing about for the column


A flurry of posts on glorious Clinton-era cult treasures followed, including Lookwell, the almighty Gremlins 2 and Goodfellas. Why, there are no less than twenty one entries for y’all to check out on Rotten Tomatoes and a good twenty, twenty five more entries left to go covering everything from 1994 to the new millennium, um, excuse me, Willennium. 


So stay tuned for a new Simpsons Decade entry about once a month. We've got some real wieners coming up, and some winners as well. 

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