Exclusive: Affleck Officially Out as Batman

Now why did you fucking click on this headline? I mean, sure, if this was some other site, that would be a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but c'mon, you fucking know this site. You're not here by accident. You've been here before. Do we ever have articles that are timely and newsy and liable to be well-read or shared? Oh fuck no. Therein lies the path to success, and we eschew it proudly. No, we have articles about things like Henry Jaglom/Corey Feldman movies no one could possibly be interested in. 

You're not going to read popular news articles about The Batman here but we would like to take this time to remind you of 1985's The Trip to Bountiful, which won Geraldine Page the Academy Award for Best Actress. Not bad, huh? 

Maybe instead of looking for gossip about Ben Affleck and some silly superhero movie on the internet you should take this time to watch, or re-watch The Trip to Bountiful. Here's the trailer. 

We here at the Morally Unethical The Trip To Bountiful Appreciation Society use misleading, or "clickbait" headlines to help spread awareness of The Trip to Bountiful online. We call this practice "Bounty-Tripping" and hope that it replaces Rick-Rolling in the public imagination. 

Support us and our questionable mission, the war on clickbait and Nathan Rabin's Happy Place at https://www.patreon.com/nathanrabinshappyplace