Guess what, fuckos? We've got The Little Rascals 20th Anniversary photos and we're gonna post the shit out of them! And You're Gonna Look, Aren't You?
Hey, remember the 1994 big screen version of The Little Rascals that was fucking terrible but that you loved because you were too young and stupid to know better?
Of course you remember that movie! Every millennial does. It's right behind Space Jam on the list of all-time millennial classics.
Well, guess what, fuckface? Some motherfuckers went and took some reunion pictures of the Little Rascals cast and we're going to post the shit out of them. We don't even give a fuck that everyone else posted these three years ago. That's how cynical we are. We know you're gonna click anyway, even if you've already seen these utterly meaningless images. Oh sure, we didn't play any role in the pictures' creation, but that doesn't matter because you've already clicked on this article. Page-views, baby!
Look at the little-ass motherfuckers on the left. Now look at the older motherfuckers on the right. What if I told you that the people on the right actually are the people on the left, only twenty years older?
I could be wrong, but it seems like in the twenty years since the release of The Little Rascals, its cast went from being child actors to adults in their twenties and thirties.
Here are some more pictures from the photo shoot, because let's face it: you're super fucking curious about the aging process of The Little Rascals cast and it's my sacred duty as a clickbait specialist to satiate your curiosity. So get a load of the motherfuckers below, and thanks for clicking!
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I don't know what's going on in this photo, and frankly, I don't fucking care.
Here are two characters that some people care about for some reason
Remember the girls of The Little Rascals? I sure as shit don't, but here are three of them all grown up. Enjoy?
Oh look, more adults who were in The Little Rascals a long fucking time ago! How exciting!